I came to know Avant Advisory Group as part of a forensic investigation requested by my company’s senior lender. The company had defaulted on its loan agreement, and the lender sent Avant to investigate the situation and evaluate the company’s opportunity for a turnaround versus a sale. Avant Advisory performed a hard-nosed, bottoms-up forensic examination encapsulating the finance, operations, and sales functional areas of the company. Although a tense and stressful situation, they made every effort to work with my company’s management team in developing the best course of action for the senior lender and the company. Due to their flexibility and deep experience in dealing with troubled companies, we were able to work with our senior lender to facilitate a sale of the company. The sale allowed the lender to recoup its investment and our shareholders to salvage millions of potentially lost capital. I firmly believe that had it not been for Avant Advisory, both the lender and our shareholders would have lost millions of dollars.
They are a rare talent in today’s marketplace possessing a balanced mix of hands-on experience, technical expertise, and professional instinct required to guide an institution toward success.